Elementor Begins

Elementor is a new journey to make your website stand out.

Growth is taking tiny steps and moving from one step to a bigger one.

You need a mentor to grow in life. While there are many things we can learn on our own, but having a mentor makes it easier to learn something, and learn it faster.

Here is a video on Elementor that shows you how you can get started with designing your website and add colourful elements.

One of the purposes to create this page is to show you my journey of learning Elementor. From being a person with absolutely zero knowledge about Elementor to being able to design wonderful pages, the journey is for those who think things are difficult or impossible in life.

Run Your Own Race

Life is not about competing against other people. Life is a race but it’s your own race.

I would request you all to watch this space because you will see how I progress in my elementor journey.

Guess what? Do you see the location to the left of this text? It is London. It is one of my dream destinatins. It was as if the Universe is talking to me. Let's see if Elementor can take me to London?